At our auctions you can bid on lots that you are interested in in various ways. Live in the room, online, or by phone.
The price at which lots are knocked down is called the
hammer price. 23% buyers premium are charged on the hammer price. The buyers premium are exclusive of 21% VAT* if applicable. For cars, 15% buyers premium are charged on the hammer price. This is exclusive of 21% VAT* if applicable. The VAT is only charged on the buyers premium and not on the hammer price of the lot.

Here is a calculation example of what you will pay in total if you buy a lot of € 1,000 hammer price:
€ 1,000 hammer price + 23% buyers premium of € 230 + 21% VAT on the € 230 buyers premium is € 48.30 becomes a total of € 1,278.30, which will be stated as the total amount on the invoice.

If you are buying as a company, you can of course reclaim the VAT. Foreign companies (outside of The Netherlands) and private individuals outside the EU are invoiced by us EX VAT: € 1,000 hammer price + 23% buyers premium of € 230 = € 1.230

See below for more explanation.

* Explanation of the application of VAT on the Buyers Premium (not on the hammer price of a lot, only the buyers premium):


> Private buyers registered within the Netherlands and Europe are invoiced including VAT.

> Private buyers registered outside Europe and exporting the purchased lots, lots leaving Europe, will be invoiced without VAT. Proof of export of the lots is required.

> Commercial buyers (companies) registered in the Netherlands are invoiced including VAT.

> Commercial buyers (companies) registered outside the Netherlands but within Europe are invoiced without VAT.

> Commercial buyers (companies) registered outside Europe and exporting the purchased lots, leaving Europe, are invoiced without VAT. Proof of export of the lots is required.

If commercial buyers (companies) wish to make use of the above VAT application, they must register as a commercial (company) bidder. Company name, address and VAT number are then required information that must be provided at registration.

Online bidding:
A simple and common way of bidding is online bidding via the Internet. On the live auction platforms below you can bid online on all lots that we offer per auction. You need to create an account on one of the websites below. When you have created an account and registered for our auction (search for Dutch Auction Company) you can bid LIVE online during one of our auctions. 

If you are unable to attend the auction live, you also have the option to place an 'absentee bid' beforehand. Be sure to submit your maximum bid amount (the maximum amount you are willing to bid for the lot) before the auction begins. 

Your bid will remain at the lowest minimum amount necessary to keep you in the lead, and will only increase (to your maximum bid) if another bidder places a competing bid. This is also clearly explained on the websites. 

You can bid live via the internet by using one of the following auction websites and see the full lot list as well:






Bidding by phone:
You also have the option of bidding by phone. Bidding by telephone means that we will call you during the auction and you can lead the bidding over the telephone and tell us LIVE the amount you wish to bid for the lot you have specified. We will call you in approximately two lots before the lot you are interested in is starts. If you wish to bid by telephone, please fill in the form below so that we have all the necessary information. We will contact you as soon as possible before the auction starts to go through everything with you so that we are both well prepared before the auction starts.

Written bids:
Then you have the option of placing a written bid in advance. The advantage of placing a written bid is you don't need to create an account on a website and you don't need to attend the auction live. You can fill in a written bidding form in which you can indicate the maximum amount you wish to bid for which lot. Your written bid will remain at the lowest minimum amount necessary to keep you in the lead, and will only increase (to your maximum bid) if another bidder places a competing bid.
To place a written bid, you can download the form below, fill it in completely and sign it and then return the form along with a copy of ID / Passport to

Download written bid form
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